Human Practice

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Integrated Human Practice


Alistair McCormick is the lead author and researcher behind the MoClo System and the toolbox to engineer the cyanobacteria PCC 11901. During our interview with Alistair McCormick, professor in Plant Engineering Biology at University of Edinburgh, we explored various facets of our research on cyanobacteria transformation and CRISPR techniques. We discussed the timeline for progressing from Level 0 vectors to Level 1, typically taking about a week, and compared integrative and self-replicative systems. Professor McCormick suggested that using E. Coli could expedite our processes, potentially eliminating the need for tri- and bi-parental mating. However, he noted that their method only involved one helper strain. He also pointed out the downsides of conjugation, such as the uncertainty of E. Coli dying on the plate, the need for constant re-streaking, and the importance of maintaining optimal growing conditions, could make the process tedious. Additionally, he mentioned that Synchococcus 6803 is a viable strain but not the fastest-growing or most well-studied strain; he suggested that we look into PCC 11901 as an alternative strain. Regarding construct generation, Professor McCormick detailed the process for creating Cas12a constructs and suggested that increasing the incubation period for cultures could improve efficiency from 25% to 80%. For level 0 parts, he emphasized the importance of careful mixing, labeling, and database management. He advised us to order or PCR it depending on the Level 0 requirements and being cautious with the primer design. He also recommended trying different assembly protocols if the initial one was to fail. For the guide design he suggested using tools like CasOT to analyze whole-genome FASTA files and SnapGene for zooming into potential guide RNA locations.

Alistair McCormick (MS, PhD)

Professor, School of Biological Sciences at University of Edinburgh


Given the importance of utilizing the MoClo and CyanoGate kits in our project, we reached out to Dr. Ravendran Vasudevan, the first author of the MoClo paper and a professor in the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Cambridge. [7] With his expertise on the MoClo protocol, we sought his advice on refining our approach and optimizing the use of the MoClo kit. During our discussion, we mentioned using electroporation to further accelerate our transformation process. Dr. Vasudevan noted that while electroporation can be an effective method, its efficiency varies depending on the strain being used. During our discussion, we also compared the efficiency of self-replicating plasmids versus integrative plasmids. He highlighted that self-replicating plasmids integrate much faster, taking approximately 2 weeks compared to 3-4 months for integrative plasmids. He also referred us to his colleague, Alistair McCormick, for further questions on working with cyanobacteria.

Ravendran Vasudevan (BS, MS, MPh, PhD)

Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Cambridge [1]


One of our most impactful interviews was one with Shan Huang, a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Pediatrics at Stanford School of Medicine. Dr. Shan Huang provided us with a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in utilizing Argonautes for guide DNA incorporation and the nuances of homology-based recombination. His expertise illuminated key aspects of our project, such as the implications of long homology sequences on system performance and the role of dead CbAgo in facilitating and encouraging recombination. Dr. Huang's guidance helped clarify how to optimize our experimental setup and anticipate potential challenges, ultimately strengthening our approach and refining our research strategy. [9] All this consolidated our understanding of our experiment and was overall helpful in attaining our goal.

Shan Huang (PhD)

Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford School of Medicine


Max Schubert is an expert working with cyanobacteria in hopes of helping climate change. He specifically uses Retron-Library Recombineering in order to study cyanobacteria. He was also researching similar systems to Lambda-Red Recombineering in cyanobacteria and we were curious if he had found anything. At that time our goal was developing single stranded guide DNA’s for our Argonaute Accelerator. As such we began looking into linearized DNA transformation techniques such as Lambda-Red Phage Recombineering for E. Coli and stumbled across a project proposal on genetic tools for photosynthetic microbes. During our meeting, Max Schubert shared his expertise on Retron-Library Recombineering and its potential use for gDNA generation. He was also ever so kind to offer to give us a couple cyanobacteria strains that he was working with, including 3154, which ended up the main focus of our project.

Max Schubert (PhD)

Harvard graduate Biological and Biomedical Sciences Researcher


One of the people we interviewed was Susan Golden, a director of the Center for Circadian Biology and a Chancellor's Associates Chair (III) in Molecular Biology at University of California, San Diego. Our interview mostly focused on cyanobacteria incubation and culture growth in BG-11 media. During the interview, we seeked advice on our novel argonaute-accelerated cyanobacteria transformation protocol. In the interview, Dr. Golden explained how BG-11 is common in labs for cyanobacteria culturing as it contains nitrogen and other nutrients. She also emphasized the importance of incubation with fluorescent blue light for Synechococcus PCC 7942 and 2973 as both strains contain Phycocyanin. From here, we explained the fundamentals of our project, in which she pointed out her concerns regarding our experimental design. She mentioned that getting our payload into the cell should not be difficult for PCC 6803, as it is similar to PCC 7942 and the strains are naturally competent. The real challenge with these strains lies in achieving full penetrant integration. After the gene is successfully inserted, the cell must undergo homologous recombination to ensure that all copies of the chromosome carry the new gene. This process is crucial for stable gene expression but can be time-consuming and difficult to achieve, particularly in certain strains where homologous recombination is less efficient or consistent. [8] This step is critical for ensuring the success of genetic modifications, especially in applications where uniform gene expression across all cells is necessary. However, Dr. Golden also highlighted that eliminating the argonaute gene enhances transformation efficiency in cyanobacteria. Our experiments will clarify whether Argonaute systems are suitable for genetic engineering.

Susan Golden (BA, PhD)

Director of Department of Molecular Biology at UCSD


Realizing that much of our project would involve a lot of technical knowledge and skill working in spirulina we interviewed several experts on the matter. Hannah Tabakh (along with Ben) of Lumen bioscience gave us a lot of advice on engineering concerns in spirulina. They advised us to use GFP as a marker of transformation, they provided us with several techniques for aiding colony selection with these notoriously tricky mobile organisms and much more.

Hannah Tabakh (BS, PhD)

Scientist at Lumen Bioscience [3]


Realizing that much of our project would involve a lot of technical knowledge and skill working in spirulina we interviewed several experts on the matter. Ben Jester (along with Hannah) of Lumen bioscience gave us a lot of advice on engineering concerns in spirulina. He advised us to use GFP as a marker of transformation, he provided us with several techniques for aiding colony selection with these notoriously tricky mobile organisms and much more.

Ben Jester (BA, PhD)

Senior Scientist at Lumen Bioscience [4]


Lauren Goetsch is an associate scientist working with various biotechnological companies. Goetsch has a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Molecular Biology and has worked with the company focusing on transforming cyanobacteria, Lumen Biosciences. Her experience in working with cyanobacteria and Lumen Biosciences was sought out by us. We asked various questions on cultivating and transforming Limnospira Fusiformis (SAG85.79) and discussed our project. The talk with Goetsch helped us learn more about handling the strain as well as gain insight within our project.

Lauren Goetsch (BS)

Associate Scientist at Mekonos [5]


We also spoke to ex Lumen employee Damien Carrieri. Damien explained to us that one of the greatest difficulties with engineering spirulina was a lack of good selectable markers and he helped us think about how to deal with this limitation. He also gave us advice on culturing spirulina and helped us brainstorm for how to check for the presence of active versions of the enzymes we were interested in producing in spirulina.

Damian Carrieri (BA, MA, PhD)

Researcher at Lumen Bioscience [6]

Community Outreach


When we began research into a spirulina based baby formula it was based primarily on a vague knowledge of spirulina caloric density and vitamin and fatty acid content. Narrowing our scope we realized spirulina's greatest asset may be as an additive or ingredient that does not comprise a majority of the product, spirulina provided at least some amount of all but 7 out of 32 key ingredients in commercial formula. Of these, spirulina was seriously deficient but not entirely devoid of 6. We set out to interview experts to better understand the ingredients in nutritionally complete baby formula and inform our research. Olivia Mayer (MPh, RD, El Camino Health) was our greatest resource in this regard. Olivia Mayer helped make it clear to us that while it should remain forever a goal of formula producers to improve their nutrition, the strength of spirulina would be in its unique advantages regarding production. She helped us to understand the reasons people use formula, and the reasons they turn to specialty formula.

Olivia Mayer (MPH, RD-AP, CSP, IBCLC)

NICU nutrition expert at El Camino Health

Community outreach was essential in the preliminary stages of our project, especially while we were still trying to understand the communities LIFT (Limnospira Infant Formula Technology) project may affect. Even though the project has since been changed to LiFT (Limnospira-inspired Foundational Technologies), we still hope that in the future our accelerator technology will eventually be applied to SAG 85.79 with the original intention of baby formula. In order to understand the communities LIFT may affect, we interviewed nurses and infant nutritionists for their insight regarding experienced and new mothers. From these interviews, we were able to gain community perspective on a possible future extension of this project.


In order to expand our understanding and get a second opinion we spoke to Lydia Mapstone, an important source of information for us. Lydia Mapstone is the CEO of a company called booby biome who produce prebiotic supplements for infants, perfect for advising us on the 2’-FL aspect of our project. She had also previously been on an IGEM team in graduate school and had written a dissertation about spirulina. She advised us early on that we could make a sufficiently interesting project by characterizing the GDP-L-Fucose production pathway in spirulina in E. coli rather than working in synechococcus, she also provided us with a list of parts she had used in spirulina during her dissertation and some guidance regarding protocols for spirulina work.

Lydia Mapstone (PhD)

Founder of BoobyBiome [2]


Girls in Engineering

Girls in Engineering is a summer camp offered in UCSC that's catered towards middle school girls that are interested in STEM. GIE provides middle school girls a chance to delve deeper into various fields of engineering, including computer science, robotics, and biological engineering. Our team was given the opportunity to present to the girls that participated in GIE as an attempt to further introduce them to the field of biotechnology. Taking from impactful lessons we learned through our time in iGEM, we decided to emphasize the importance of strong communication in engineering practice. Four team members— Mona, Clare, Kendra, and Brenda—led the event, while Vibi took photos.

We started our presentation with an interactive activity that we had previously done in BME180, a prerequisite for iGEM. The activity involved dividing the class into smaller groups, with each participant wearing a blindfold. Next, we passed out bags filled with unconventionally shaped pieces. The groups were given the instruction to “sort the alike shapes, one group of shapes is not like the other, tell us what is different about this group”. In each bag are four groups of three alike shapes with one group only having two alike shapes. The goal of this exercise was for the girls to group together matching shapes, and identify the piece that did not belong, all while being blindfolded. This activity encouraged collaboration but also heavily emphasized the importance of communication within a team.
After the activity, we transitioned into a presentation along with a discussion of our project. We talked to GIE about the process of designing, building, and testing a project from scratch as an attempt to help them grasp the scope of research development. Our activity was an analogy for the experience of tackling a new project, where it can often feel like you're going in blind, unaware of the challenges you might face along the way. However, with adequate communication, collaboration, and critical thinking, we can navigate these uncertainties to achieve our goals. Speaking about our experiences as women to GIE, also helped inspire their outlook with going forward in this field. This experience not only helped us refine our presentation skills but also highlighted the importance of communication and teamwork within our own team.
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Soquel High School Biology Class

We coordinated with Nehal Pfeiffer, the Vice Principal and Biotechnology teacher at Soquel High School, to organize an event where our 2024 UCSC iGEM team showcased iGEM through activities and presentations. Four team members—Aurko, Kendra, Vibi, and Zaden—led the event.

The purpose of the event was to help the students understand what we do. To achieve this, we decided to create an immersive experience by engaging them in activities we do daily. We started with a “scrum,” forming a large circle that included both the high school students and our team. Each team member shared their role, contributions, what they accomplished the previous day, and their goals for the current day. This was intended to show the high school students how our team communicates and collaborates.
After demonstrating our team's communication through the "scrum" activity, we transitioned to the next stage of the event, where the high school students moved to the Dry Lab for a presentation led by our four team members. The presentation explained iGEM as a competition and highlighted the various elements of our project. We shared our experiences in building team chemistry, selecting an ethically meaningful project, and organizing our work. Throughout the presentation, we encouraged the students to ask questions about the project and our experiences as an undergraduate team, with the goal of inspiring them to pursue their interests.
The next phase of the event involved an activity in the wet lab. The 18 high school students were divided into two groups: one group conducted a Mini-prep protocol with Kendra and Vibi, while the other made BG-11 media and received a brief tour of the Wet Lab and Autoclave room. During each protocol, we explained the purpose of each step and reagent, encouraging students to ask questions. Our aim for this phase was to give the students a hands-on experience in the wet lab while contributing to the team’s ongoing work. In the final phase of the event, the high school students held their own scrum, sharing their experiences from the day and offering tips to their classmates. We then engaged in a group discussion about what it means to be a scientist or engineer, touching on ethics, motivation, purpose, and the limitless potential for innovation, particularly in biotechnology. Additionally, UCSC iGEM advisor David Bernick plans to develop a sequencing class to help high school students better prepare for a UCSC course, and our team intends to learn sequencing alongside them.



Bay Area Bioengineering Symposium with Berkeley iGEM team

Bay Area Bioengineering Symposium [BABS], was another collaboration that gave us an opportunity to present "Unveiling the Layers: The Science Behind the Science". Our presentation allowed us to dig deeper into what being a scientist entails. We wanted to share our success story of how teamwork makes the dreamwork. Participating in BABS also gave us the chance to learn from a diverse array of presentations and about various scientific avenues and their applications. We were inspired by innovative research from fellow scientists which helped in our own project progress.[10]

Georgia State & Southwest Jiaotong University

Collaboration is a core value of our team. To enhance our collaboration skills, we partnered with iGEM teams from Georgia State and Southwest Jiaotong University to learn from their approaches. On August 16, 2024, we held a Zoom meeting where we exchanged insights on personal experiences, management styles, and plant synthetic biology techniques. Georgia State and Southwest Jiaotong University took away our routine "scrums" that we hold every morning to make sure that all team members are on the same page and up to date with experiments and workflows that are occurring in parallel. We were able to strengthen our connections both within our team and across teams, as well as, enriched our understanding of scientific projects.



Image Sources

[1] “Ravendran VASUDEVAN | Post Doctoral Research Associate | Doctor of Philosophy | University of Cambridge, Cambridge | Cam | Department of Plant Sciences | Research profile,” ResearchGate, 2018. (accessed Sep. 16, 2024).

[2] “Lydia Mapstone - Women in Innovation 22/23 Bios - Innovate UK Business Connect,” Innovate UK Business Connect, Mar. 09, 2023. (accessed Sep. 16, 2024).

[3] H. Tabakh, “Hannah Tabakh,” THE ORG, 2020. (accessed Sep. 16, 2024).

[4] “Benjamin JESTER | Senior Scientist | PhD | Research profile,” ResearchGate, 2016. (accessed Sep. 16, 2024).

[5] L. Goetsch, “Lauren Goetsch,” THE ORG, 2015. (accessed Sep. 16, 2024).

[6] “Damian CARRIERI | R&D Manager | BA, MA, PhD | Research profile,” ResearchGate, 2017. (accessed Sep. 16, 2024).

[7] R. Vasudevan et al., “CyanoGate: A Modular Cloning Suite for Engineering Cyanobacteria Based on the Plant MoClo Syntax,” PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, vol. 180, no. 1, pp. 39-55, Feb. 2019, doi:

[8] C. Nelson, A. Giraldo-Silva, Finlay Warsop Thomas, and Ferran Garcia-Pichel, “Spatial self-segregation of pioneer cyanobacterial species drives microbiome organization in biocrusts,” ISME Communications, vol. 2, no. 1, Nov. 2022, doi:

[9] S. Huang, K. Wang, and S. L. Mayo, “Genome manipulation by guide-directed Argonaute cleavage,” Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 4078-4085, Mar. 2023, doi:

[10] “iGEM at Berkeley (@igematberkeley) • Instagram photos and videos,”, 2020. (accessed Sep. 23, 2024).